A continuation of my childhood’s drawings
I went to kindergarten from 1996 to 1999. My grandmother was the assistant. She archived my drawings every day – like those of all the other children – by gluing them on large pages of wallpaper. I found five of these notebooks at my parents’ house.
With the digital drawings tools that I discovered ad part of the the Digital drawing workshop led by artist Lenia Hauser, I rediscovered a feeling of spontaneity. I decided to add a hybrid (digital) number to the existing books. This edition combines both analogue and digital, recent and old drawings, as well as fragments of texts found in the existing books.
Different aesthetics (scans, photos, objects, digital drawing) cohabit the page. It reminds me of the not-very-credible special effects in a low budget movie or the first pc video games I played in the early 2000s. One must abandon oneself to the credulity of the child who sees the character and the narration, beyond the apparent “fake” of the set. So the book becomes at the same time a treasure chest, a theater stage, a video game, an album of tales, notebooks and a series of self-portraits.”